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6 Questions Pregnant Women Have About Adoption

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From the second a pregnant woman considers adoption as a choice for her and her baby, she is consumed with questions. Adoption is a difficult choice that is made out of love and the questions that women have are derived out of concern for their unborn child. Premier Adoption has helped many women in Nevada, Arizona, and Utah understands the process of adoption, legal concerns, and all questions that arise before and after an adoption takes place.

What Are The Most Common Questions Asked By Pregnant Women Considering Adoption?

1. Do I Get A Choice In The Adoptive Family? 100% yes! You are involved and in the driver’s seat of every aspect of the adoption and this includes choosing the family that will raise your baby. Adoption specialists at Premier Adoption want to help you find the right family that you imagine for your child. This might include the physical location of the family, the religion/spirituality of the family, and much more.

2. What If I Choose Adoption And Then Change My Mind After The Baby Is Born? The adoption is, again, 100% your decision. We want you to feel in charge and in control throughout the journey. If you have made an adoption plan and decide to parent your baby later, you have the right to do that. The adoption plan is not complete and final until you sign the legal contracts after the birth of the baby. You are protected by law to maintain your parental rights until you decide that adoption is the path you want to follow.

3. Will I Get To See My Baby After The Adoption?

There are several types of adoption. The more common types in today’s society are partially open and open adoptions. These two types of adoption give the birthmother an opportunity to receive pictures and updates of the baby. This is much different than the older traditional adoptions that were completely closed and did not provide birthmothers with information about the adoptive family or the baby’s whereabouts. While closed adoptions are still a practice, open or partially open adoptions are very common.

4. How Will I Know That My Baby Is Going To A Good Home?

The adoptive parent screening process is very involved. Only the most suitable families are approved to adopt a child. Adoption, for many adoptive families, is a miraculous blessing. The families have a unique and special connection to offer an adoptive child because that child has made their dreams a reality. Before a family is approved to adopt a child, their homes are visited, they undergo background checks, and often take classes and training in parenting and adoption education. You can learn more about our Home Study for Adoptive Parents here.

5. Will I Receive Financial Support?

Premier Adoption can provide financial assistance to a pregnant birthmother once an adoption plan has been created. This is provided on a case-by-case basis and must follow the local laws about how financial assistance can be provided. Premier Adoption may be able to help with financial challenges that can include:

· Living Costs (rent, utilities)

· Transportation Costs

· Food

· Household Items

· Maternity Clothes

· Medical Co-pays

The goal of financial assistance is to provide a birth mother with the support she and her baby need to be safe and healthy.

6. Is There Support For Me After The Adoption?

We want the birthmothers that share their adoption journey with us to live happy, successful lives. Post-adoption support is available, and our adoption specialists always extend the support to our amazing birthmothers.

We know that each woman has questions specific to her personal situation and concerns. We would love to talk to you and provide answers to your questions. Please contact us today!



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