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We are so happy that you found us!


Our services and 100% free and are all geared towards the needs of you…..our birth parents.

We understand that you may have specific needs during this difficult time such as:

  • Emotional support. It is common to wonder, “Am I Making the Right Decision?“;

  • Information about how to place a child for adoption;

  • And even some financial assistance to make it through the pregnancy.

We are here for you and will walk you through every step of the process. Adoption is a wonderful gift but is hands down one of the most difficult decisions you will make in your life. We wish you the best, no matter your decision. You are special and we feel honored to walk this journey with you.

Our Services

We provide you information and counseling to make the best long term decision for you and your baby. You will plan out how you want your adoption plan to work. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.


You choose the adoptive family, amount of contact, and how the hospital experience will go.


After the adoption you can set up a schedule for letters and pictures on your baby’s development and well-being and even plan visits.


We provide professional counseling before and after the placement of your baby as well as offer post adoption support groups to help you heal.


This is your adoption and your plan. We want to help you achieve your dreams for your child.


  • All of our families have completed FBI, local and state background checks and undergone extensive interviewing. If you feel ready, you can begin looking at our waiting families here.

Will I Have Support if I am in a Crisis?


If you are in crisis or need immediate assistance, it really helps to have someone close to you that can assist you. Our helpline 1-800-876-0187 is open 24/7. We respond immediately to any requests made by our birth parents in need.

Who Can I Trust?

This is one of the hardest questions you will ask yourself. So much is riding on this decision. Is the family going to really love and take care of my baby? Do these “Adoption Professionals” really know what they are doing? Do they know what I need, when I may not? Do they have love, courage, commitment, and follow through?


At Premier Adoption Agency we take care of you and all of your needs. But don’t just take our word for it. Come meet us in person, ask for references, and ask us all of your questions!

Our Services

Our Commitment to You

Our services to you as birth parents are based on integrity and sensitivity to your unique situation. Our goal is to help you succeed in life starting the moment you call us. We understand that adoption is not easy, but we are here to walk you through the process so you can feel good about your adoption experience.

financial assistance

Financial Assistance

We often are asked about how Premier Adoption can help a birth mother throughout her pregnancy. Premier Adoption can, in some cases, provide financial assistance to a pregnant birth mother once an adoption plan has been made and she reaches a certain point in her pregnancy. There are many laws about how financial assistance can be provided and they vary state by state (see financial help laws).

Some items we may be able to help with include:

  • Living costs (rent, utilities)

  • Food and household items

  • Transportation Costs

  • Medical Co-pays

If we cannot provide assistance with a need personally, we often are able to help with community resource referrals to help with the need.

The ultimate goal of financial assistance is to ensure that the birth mother and her baby are safe and healthy throughout the pregnancy and after she has given birth.

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Picking A Family

How do I Pick a Family?

We give you several prospective adopting family profiles to consider according to the preferences of both parties. We have many families to choose from. Tell us what your preferences for a family are and we can present you with the families who best match the type of family you hope will adopt your baby.

Do you want a family for your baby who is financially secure?  Is education important to you?  How about a close extended family with doting grandparents and lots of cousins?  Is religion something to consider?  What about a family who travels?  A good ethnic match?  Do you want your baby to already have siblings or to be the first child in the family?  There are many different preferences to consider when considering potential families for your baby.  Remember this…. Each and every family all will love your baby and provide him/her the opportunity to grow and have a productive life.    


Just like you are seeking the perfect family for your baby, there is a family who is praying that you will find them and place your trust in them to parent and raise your baby.  Your goals are the same!  We know our families very well and help you find the perfect family for your baby.

All of our families are carefully screened with completed criminal and child abuse background checks, medical reports, home inspections, employer letters, etc. In order to be approved to adopt, there are very strict requirements that must be met which includes many hours of adoption education and parent training.  You can rest assured that our approved families are the best of the best!  Click here to view some of our waiting families. For a full listing of our waiting families, please contact our office by texting 702-706-6639 or calling us at 1-800-876-0187.

You can feel confident that the family you select will be as committed as you are to giving your baby a loving home and a good life.​

Ready to Select a Family for Your Baby?

The Adoption Process
Adoption Process Image

The Adoption Process

To begin making an adoption plan for your baby, you can expect to be involved in 4 different phases or steps in the adoption process. When you are ready to get started click here.

We want to extend to you the support you need to help you on the road to a bright future. As for many birthmothers who have gone before you, adoption can act as a springboard to your new life. Always remember how special and how strong you are.

Make Contact: Call us at 1-800-876-0187 and meet with one of our caring adoption counselors. During this step, you will begin filling out paperwork, identifying your support system to include if the father of your baby will support your adoption plan, and begin your prenatal care if you have not already done so.

Start your online application here:


Make a Plan: Our counselors are here to assist you in making an adoption plan that best meets your needs. Let your adoption counselor know what is most important to you. During this step we will:

  • Conduct a needs assessment with you to determine your financial and emotional needs, transportation needs, safety issues, help you become familiar with community resources, and addressing your counseling needs during and after your pregnancy.

  • Educate you about the adoption process and answer all of your questions.

  • Assist you in choosing the perfect adopting family for your baby.  We work with your preferences on race, age, geographic location, socio-economic status, religion, and will even select a family for you if you prefer. Ultimately, all choices about the adoptive family will be up to you.

  • Educate you about adoption openness so you can decide how open you want the adoption of your baby to be. You may choose not to meet with the adoptive family at all or choose to meet them many times.  You decide how much openness you want with the adopting family after the baby is born.

  • Help you understand the legal paperwork you will sign after the baby is born which legally relinquishes your rights as the parent and makes it possible for your baby to become a permanent member of the adopting family you choose or ask the adoption agency to choose for you.


Placement: During this step, you will prepare for everything that will occur after the baby is born. We will:


  • Assist you in putting together a birth plan so that your hospital stay will be well thought out and go the way you want it to.

  • Arrange for you to sign legal documents after the birth of the baby in accordance with your state’s adoption laws so that your baby can be legally adopted by the adopting family you chose or the one identified by the adoption agency at your request.


Post-Placement:  After the baby is placed with his/her new family the grief work begins.  Feelings of loss are very common after placing a baby for adoption.  We will:

  • Listen to you and provide counseling during this time.

  • Invite you to participate in our post adoption support group where you meet and connect with women who have also placed a baby for adoption and can relate to your feelings and experiences.

  • Work with you to achieve the goals you set for yourself while pregnant.

  • Honor you for the courageous decisions you have made and help you find healing, which will come in time.

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When I told my boyfriend about my pregnancy he told me to move out. He said he wasn’t the father and didn’t want anything to do with the baby. I didn’t know what to do or who to trust. Premier Adoption took me into their program and followed through on everything they said they would do. I trust them. They found me the perfect parents for my baby. I know that she will have a wonderful life and that I did a good thing by giving her life and a future that she wouldn’t have been able to have with me. I am proud of what I did for her.

Ashley, Age 23.


Legal Questions

Does the birth father of the baby have to be involved?

We prefer that the birth father is involved. Having him involved also makes the adoption more secure. However, if he is not known or won’t cooperate you can move forward without him. Within most states current adoption laws, his rights can be terminated through the court, or he can voluntarily relinquish his rights and not get involved. If you live in Arizona or Utah, there is a paternity registry where the birth-father must register his paternity or else he loses his rights to the baby after your relinquishment is signed.

Do I have to get an attorney?

If you reside in the States of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah where we hold licenses, there is no need to have an attorney represent you unless you specifically request it. You will never be required to appear in court before a judge in order to make your adoption plan happen unless you are a member are eligible for membership in a federally recognized Native American Tribe. Instead, your adoption caseworker will be there with you to help you sign all of the legal documentation such as relinquishment and consent to adoption documents. The legal adoption paperwork is reviewed prior to signing it to make sure you understand what is being signed. The documents are signed after the baby is born either 24 hours (Utah) or 72 hours (Arizona and Nevada) after the birth of the baby. They can be signed wherever you desire such as the hospital, our office, or even your home so you feel most at ease and comfortable during this emotional time. If you reside in a state outside of Arizona, Nevada, or Utah we can still work with you but we partner with other licensed professionals in your state who can execute the legal documents in accordance with the laws of your state.

What is a relinquishment?

A Relinquishment of Parental Rights is the legal document you sign after your baby’s birth making adoption possible.

How soon after my baby is born will I sign relinquishment documents making adoption possible?

Every state has different laws governing adoption. In Arizona and Nevada you must wait 72 hours (3 days) after the baby is born to be able to sign relinquishment documents. In Utah you must wait 24 hours after the baby is born. In all of these states your relinquishment is irrevocable‚ which means that it is legally binding and you can’t change you mind once it has been signed.

Do I need to go to court and appear before a judge?

If you relinquish your baby in the States of Arizona, Nevada, or Utah no court appearance is required unless you or the birth father is a member of a Federally recognized Native American tribe or are eligible for membership.

I am scared to admit that I used drugs during my pregnancy. If I test positive at the hospital, will I lose my baby to the State or can the baby still go with the parents that I picked?

If the baby tests positive for illegal drugs then the hospital will often contact Child Protective Services (CPS) and place a police hold on the baby. This means the baby cannot be taken out of the hospital without the approval of a judge. We inform CPS that you are working with our agency on an adoption plan. Once relinquishment documents are signed CPS is no longer involved and you can still place your baby with the adopting parents you selected. If you decide against the adoption then the baby goes into the State’s custody and will likely stay in foster care until CPS does an investigation and the judge makes a decision to keep the baby in foster care or allows another plan.

Do I get to name my baby?

Yes. You fill out a birth certificate for your baby after birth giving the baby a name that you choose. If you choose not to name the baby you can leave it blank and the hospital will fill it in for you identifying the baby as baby boy or baby girl and your last name. Once the adopting parents take the baby into their care they can either keep the name you have chosen, keep a portion of it, or change the name. No matter what is decided you can order a copy of the original birth certificate through vital records. You can use the original birth certificate for a keepsake or for your memory book. Once the adopting parents have legally adopted the baby the original birth certificate is sealed by the courts and a new or amended birth certificate is issued giving the baby the adopting parents name. Once a birth certificate is sealed it is no longer available for anybody to receive. We order an original birth certificate and you can get a photocopy from us if you forgot to order one or didn’t feel that you wanted one at the time of your baby’s birth.

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